Welcome and Hello From “New” Editor-
How many times have I found out about an event the day, or even an hour, after it happens? I remember this past Spring semester I was really disappointed when I missed a national political figure who spoke on campus. Then about a week later a similar thing happened, and I missed the chance to actually sit in on some judicial hearings.
I know not everyone, or even a majority of people, would give a flip about seeing either of those things, but what about something YOU would want to see? I can say with confidence that most of us, more times than not, miss events that we would really like to participate in. Most of the time we do not even know about the events that take place here on our campus.
By combining some of the best aspects of daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines, the Western Carolinian (WC) has transformed into a print newsmagazine and online zine devoted to our student life and community. Even though our print format may look a little different, WCnewsmagazine and Western Carolinian ONLINE are still by, for and about WCU students. Committed to keeping the channels open and the calendars updated, hopefully we can help curb some of the nagging boredom students experience.
WCU is hosting “Cullowhee! ARTSFEST” this weekend. It is still FREE! So pick up a copy of the print edition at the UC, Hunter Library, HFR, dorms and across campus Check out the previews, schedules and features on what’s happening at the festival in this issue.
Can you expect to be delayed even further by more construction this fall? Preview some of the exciting plans we’re told will make all the inconveniences “worth it,” also in this edition ofWCnewsmagazine.
We here at WCnewsmagazine hope you enjoy the premiere issue. Next month we will reveal additional student life features that you can expect to find on a regular basis when we return to weekly publishing this Fall. Until then, you can participate in the upcoming issue by sending letters and comments to wc@wcu.edu.
In order for WCnewsmagazine to be successful in serving your needs, your active participation is required. Also, beginning in July, you can participate in an ongoing conversation through our online newsgroup. Be a part of the dialogue. Let us know that you want to join the online newsgroup to discuss, debate, gripe, praise, argue, deliberate, confer or inspire. E-mail us at wc@wcu.edu for newsgroup details and access information. And for the technologically challenged and purists out there, we receive snail-mail at WCnewsmagazine, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723.
Thanks & Enjoy!