This comedy of betrayal and deception will be performed April 23-26 at 7:30 p.m. and on April 26-27 at 2 p.m. All shows will be held in Hoey Auditorium. Reserved seats are available through the Communication and Theatre Arts Department at (828) 227-7491.
“Sinners” is a “comic-mystery of love, lust, death, and deception.” Carlisle encourages everyone to enjoy this performance but warns that the show contains sexual innuendos and scantily clad girls.
This thigh-slapping comedy features an unexpected turn of suspicion when people in the town end up dead. Sit back, relax and discover who will be the cheaters, murderers, heroes and sinners. This play will be the last of University Theatre’s productions this season, but don’t despair, the show goes on with 2003 Summer Theatre in Cullowhee.