Western Carolina University Campus Events
Wednesday, October 1 Workshop-Americans with Disabilities Act training (Facilities Management only). Required for all EPA and SPA employees. Offered various dates, times, and locations throughout fall semester. 9-10 a.m. and 10:15-11:15 a.m. Room 104, Killian Building. (227-7116, course content or requirement; 227-2388, registration)
Homecoming 2003-Homecoming Court elections. Noon-6 P.M. First floor, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Training Tuesday-“Grants: Finding the Funder.” Participants will review basic internet-based resources for funding opportunities and set up personal funding alert profiles. 3-4 P.M. Room 186, Hunter Library. Optional date, October 1. (227-2388 or www.wcu.edu/hr/training) Student Leadership Training-TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS), which addresses alcohol misuse by teaching intervention strategies, including information on the effect alcohol has on people, ideas for influencing drinking behavior, and role playing to develop appropriate confrontation skills. Certification upon successful completion of class. 6-9 P.M. Cardinal Room, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Thursday, October 2 Student Leadership Training-TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) a program that addresses alcohol misuse by the use of teaching intervention strategies, including information on the effect alcohol has on people, ideas for influencing drinking behavior, and role playing to develop appropriate confrontation skills. Certification upon successful completion of class. 6-9 P.M. Cardinal Room, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Workshop-“Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People,” taught by pianist with more than 25 years experience in classical and pop music. Open to persons age 16 and above with little or no experience in music as well as experienced musicians. Cost: $49 for prepaid registration; materials fee 0f $25 collected during class. Registration deadline, September 29. 6-9 P.M. Hospitality Room, Ramsey Regional Activity Center. (828-227-7397 or toll-free 800-928-4968.)
Theatre-The University Players present The Battle of Shallowford by Ed Simpson. Through October 5. Admission: $12.50 adults; $10 senior citizens; $6 students. 7:30 P.M. Hoey Auditorium. (227-7491)
Concert-Mystic Vibrations: “Eastern Reggae Sensations,” authentic Reggae band. Admission: $2, Western students with valid identification; $4 all others. 9 P.M. Club Illusions, A.K. Hinds University. (227-7206)
Friday, October 3 Orientation-of new faculty. 3:15-5 P.M. Hospitality Suite, Ramsey Regional Activity Center. (227-7495)
Theatre-The University Players present The Battle of Shallowford by Ed Simpson. Through October 5. Admission: $12.50 adults; $10 senior citizens; $6 students. 7:30 P.M. Hoey Auditorium. (227-7491)
Saturday, October 4 Theatre-The University Players present The Battle of Shallowford by Ed Simpson. Through October 5. Admission: $12.50 adults; $10 senior citizens; $6 students. 2 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Hoey Auditorium. (227-7491)
Sunday, October 5 Theatre-The University Players present The Battle of Shallowford by Ed Simpson. Admission: $12.50 adults; $10 senior citizens; $6 students. 2 P.M. Hoey Auditorium. (227-7491) Monday, October 6 Concert-WCU Jazz Ensemble. 8 P.M. Recital Hall, Coulter Building. (227-7242)
Tuesday, October 7 Employee Appreciation Day-featuring food, entertainment, recognitions, and benefits and vendor fair. Ramsey Regional Activity Center. (227-7218 or 227-3177)
Employee health screening-in conjunction with Employee Appreciation Day. Details to be announced. Ramsey Regional Activity Center. (227-7640)
Reading-David Sedaris, popular National Public Radio commentator and best-selling author known for his sardonic humor and incisive social critique. Lectures, Concerts, and Exhibitions Series. Admission: Western students, no charge; Western faculty, staff, and non-Western students, $10; general, $15. 7:30 P.M. Hoey Auditorium. (227-7206)
Catamount Concert Series-Dennis Jackson, baritone, performing love songs from Broadway to Beethoven. 8 P.M. Recital Hall, Coulter Building. (227-7242)
Thursday, October 9-Saturday, October 11 Alternative Fall Break Service trip-WCU is taking a group to Atlanta, where students will do volunteer work. Cost to be announced. Sign up in advance at A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Thursday, October 9-Sunday, October 12 Fall break
Saturday, October 11 Competition-third annual Tournament of Champions, hosted by Western’s “Pride of the Mountains” marching band, featuring 25 bands from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and Tennessee competing for the title of Grand Champion and the traveling “Chancellor’s Trophy.” Whitmire Stadium. (227-7608)
Monday, October 13 Workshop-Americans with Disabilities Act training/Facilities Management only. Required for all EPA and SPA employees. Offered various dates, times, and locations throughout fall semester. Noon-1 P.M. and 1:15-2:15 P.M. Mountain Heritage Center, H.F. Robinson Administration Building. (227-7116, course content or requirement; 227-2388, registration)
Homecoming 2003-community service sign-up lists due. 5 P.M. Reservation Desk, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Tuesday, October 14 Workshop-Americans with Disabilities Act training. Required for all EPA and SPA employees. Offered various dates, times, and locations throughout fall semester. 9-10 a.m. Room 332, Forsyth Building. (227-7116, course content or requirement; 227-2388, registration)
Homecoming 2003-powder football sign-up lists due. Noon. Reservation Desk, A.K. Hinds University. (227-7206)
Wednesday, October 15 Homecoming 2003-election for king and queen 12-6 P.M. at the reservation desk, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Homecoming 2003-deadline for parade entries is noon at the reservation desk, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Homecoming 2003-entry forms for float building party due. 5 P.M. at the reservation desk, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Reception-for Paintings by Norma Smith. 4-6 P.M. Chelsea Gallery, A.K. Hinds University Center. (227-7206)
Homecoming 2003-powder puff football game. 7 P.M. Whitmire Stadium, Bob Waters Field. (227-7206)