game over

I’m not an alumni. You can print, forward or ignore. 80% of us are in agreement so it might be pointless to print it. Keep in mind that the governor of Arizona just refused to sign a bill making english their official language. Forwarding would be a good option. 1000 editors and counting. I’m sending this to all newspaper editors since most still think like the average American, and have the power to counter the big networks. Wake up America. We’re under attack and its not just from the terrorists. Our way of life is facing the biggest threat since world war II, and the cold war. Immigrants have decided to use our constitution against us to change our country as they see fit. The sad part is, that some of our leaders still can’t see what is going on. The ones that can see, are apparently willing to sell our country out, in order to create the illusion of a healthy economy. The fact is, people will buy what they want and need regardless of what language is being used. So why accomodate foreign languages? Here is what they are doing. They are using unlimited population growth from both illegal and legal immigration to grow the economy to try to pay for their overspending over the past decades. This in reality is a cancerous growth. This keeps the housing, transportation, and consumer sectors growing, but at the same time the trade deficits grow larger, immigrants driving down wages means less taxes are collected per person, and Mexicos 3rd largest source of income is money sent home from the United States. We are going bankrupt. The national debt is proof positive. Senator Brownbacks debt clock indicates that each citizen owes over $26,000. This means that probably half of us would have to sell our homes to cover the people that don’t even own homes. We should all be living in tents, and we may be yet. How did Congress get so out of touch with the American people? Lobbyists and special interest groups. It seems that every group has a lobby effort, except for the vast majority of traditional America. Until Congress puts the vast majority of traditional America first, we will continue to watch our country go down the drain. Now, they have not only let our traditional religions be compromised, but they are willing to allow our children to be brainwashed into believing that it is ok to allow anyone to live here, and change our country to fit their needs. One by one, schools around the country are starting to brainwash our kids by putting Spanish signs in hallways, teaching Spanish in grade school, and one school even had their kids say the pledge of allegiance in 4 or 5 different languages. Eventually they will require every student in America to speak Spanish. This is completely wrong. All polls indicate that most Americans know this is wrong, and yet a handful of people such as politicians, school leaders, corporations, and television stations are intent on forcing this on us. Television stations are putting Spanish commercials on tv, Spanish shows for preschoolers, and foreign language commercials in general, such as microsoft xbox. Well now they have gone too far. This has all been a political game for decades now, in which we were losing. Now, they have unleashed the power of traditional christians and traditionalists combined. Here is our trump card to finish this nonsense once and for all. We must combine the religious people with people who want this country to remain English speaking. We can do this with one combination amendment, calling it the traditional amendment. This will easily pass with at least 70% of the population supporting it. This proposed amendment will not combine church and state, but only restore it to the way it was in recent decades. This means that small acknowledgments of our founding fathers basic beliefs will be restored, as long as they existed in recent decades. This amendment will protect the pledge of allegiance, prayer before sporting events, and Christmas pageants, along with ensuring our homes, neighborhoods, schools, businesses, and governments remain in English. It also preserves non traditional Americas right to speak whatever language they like in their own home, own family operated business, and protects their right to worship as they please. I wrote this amendment in 2 hours. Imagine how good lawyers and writers can make it. I’ll include it down below. We should also find a 3rd party willing to stand up for the majority of traditional America. I have been trying to convince the to do this. By forgetting about the Hispanic vote, and going for the republican and democratic vote, we can eliminate this catering to the Hispanic vote. There are many more potential votes in those 2 parties, than in the Hispanic vote. Their current platform is not practical anyway. I have recommended that they support a traditional amendment, interior enforcement, selective trade agreements, and base closures in Europe instead of at home. I also suggested that they not participate in debates, since America is not up for debate. We have to stop electing people based on how many tv ads they can afford, and how quick witted they are in a debate. Perhaps, we could all start sending them a copy of the rough draft amendment with their online contact form to convince them. By the way, there will be no trouble. 80% of the population is on our side, as well as the military. If there is trouble, we can cancel NAFTA, permanently!! Once they realize that we expect them to blend in, they will fall into line with the rest of us. Just as they should have done to begin with. If 20% of the population truly believes that language is not a big deal, then they shouldn’t have a problem with speaking English, especially if we can put God back into our country. We are already the most diverse nation on this planet, and now they want us to believe that Americans don’t even speak English any more? What i do believe, is that there may be some people having to do some explaining some day, if we pass up this opportunity to restore America. Its almost as if someone has put a spell on us to allow a handful of people, namely Congress, to force us into giving our country away and bankrupt us. Try writing your congressman about this, and half of them will write a patronizing letter back, explaining why they are allowing this, like 80% of the populations opinion doesn’t even matter. In my entire 40 plus years, i have never seen an issue that more people are in agreement on, and yet Congress insist on doing exactly the opposite. There should be no doubt in anyones mind, that we are in the beginning stages of lowering the border with Mexico. If this brainwashing is allowed to continue, the border will eventually be lowered completely, allowing them enormous political power. With that political power they would most likely lower the border to all of Latin America, effectively making this a Spanish speaking Latin American country. This is for real folks. They aren’t bad people, but they will take our country away, if we allow them to. is an excellent example of how to treat the problem. They make it a point to say no to immigrant bashing, but still recognize that we have to enforce our laws. (this paragraph can be deleted, it may only be significant to myself)Now, here is something that sent chills up my spine. A few months after i realized the solution to our problems, i noticed a book on top of a large stack of books. The title was STORM WARNING, the coming persecution of christians and traditionalists in America, by Don McAlvany. Copyrighted in 1999, published by Hearthstone Publishing, P.O. box 815, Oklahoma City, Ok 73101. I never noticed it before, and i haven’t even read the book. I just now looked at the chapter titles, and i get the impression that he believes a national id card, cashless society, and other things will be used against us. Well i’m here to tell everyone, that if we stick together, we can use things like a national id card, to win this battle decisively. We have to enforce our immigration laws, and Americanize our kids regardless of origin. As it stands now, anyone who steps on American soil can stay. Theoretically, some country could have a million man army here already. I don’t believe they do, but we must consider that as a future scenario. Asking an individual for an id, who is working for a known employer who hires illegals, can in no way be called a police state. No one need worry about bio chips either. Fingerprint ids should be sufficient to not only stop illegal immigration, but identity theft as well. (you could also delete this amendment and print it separately some other time if you like) Unlike most amendments, this one needs to be somewhat specific. Congress cannot be trusted to stand up for traditional America. We also have other groups that have the potential to invade our tv stations, schools, businesses, neighborhoods, and homes such as Russians, Portuguese, and Asians. This can be improved obviously. Our vision of America is a country who respects all cultures and religions, while still recognizing the importance of maintaining and protecting our traditional language and traditional religions from compromise. Therefore, the majority of traditional Americans pass this amendment to ensure our way of life remains foremost. Traditional language is defined as English, as evidenced by overwhelming usage during recent decades. Traditional religions are defined as judeo christian, catholic and protestant as evidenced by overwhelming members over recent decades. Congress shall pass laws insuring the dominance of our traditional language and religious customs and displays. These laws shall include, but not be limited to, as follows. Immigration laws shall be vigorously enforced and immigration numbers shall be limited to ensure controlled assimilation. All federally taxpayer funded business must be conducted exclusively in English, with regards to our internal population. Congress shall make rare exceptions such as intelligence gathering and other vital areas. Withhold all federal money from the states unless they conduct their business exclusively in English, with regards to their internal population. This includes taxpayer funded schools, but is not limited to only schools. All foreign language classes shall remain at the high school level, and always remain as an elective. Require city governments to enact ordinances that insure all city business must be conducted exclusively in English. In addition, cities must pass ordinances that any new signs visible outdoors in any form shall be exclusively in English. Any city who disregards or tries to circumvent these laws shall be banned from any taxpayer funds or assistance in times of peril. Insure that no ones home, neighborhood or place of business, is subjected to uninvited foreign media in all its forms. Television and radio stations remain in English, while still allowing them to maintain a cultural theme on a dedicated channel, if they so choose. Corporations and businesses that hire outside of the immediate family, shall be prevented from asking what language a prospective employee speaks besides English. Employees can only be screened for other languages when their job deals primarily with foreign countries. No one can be required to learn a foreign language or be discriminated against for not learning one. All government and taxpayer funded entities at all levels, may return to their traditional religious customs and displays. This includes, but is not limited to, the Pledge of Allegiance as written, morning prayer, and any traditional religious displays that were allowed in decades past. All government, corporations, businesses, and individuals shall be protected from lawsuits for requiring English to be used in all types of communication, for disallowing other religious displays and customs on their time, and for enforcing our immigration laws. To preserve non traditional America, Congress shall not infringe upon anyones language, and religious customs and displays in their own home, own family operated business, and place of worship as long as they are within existing legal and moral boundaries. No one shall be prevented from searching out or receiving legal foreign media inside their own home, inside their own business or a non taxpayer funded entity. Todd NeufeldOklahoma city p.s. don’t let the aclu see this, they may start jumping off buildings:) On second thought, go ahead:)