A new school year means new policies and enforcement of said rules. TheWCU Police Department would like to remind you of both new and old parking rules and regulations in hopes of lowering the number of tickets given and car boots locked. Students should avoid parking in faculty lots located behind every academic building between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tickets and boots will be given to any student who violates this rule. Likewise, freshmen are advised not to park their cars in upperclassmen lots. This will also result in a ticket.Every faculty lot is a “boot zone.” Signs will be posted on every entrance of “boot zone” parking lots, so there should be no excuses if students receive one. Boots cost $60 to remove, and tickets start at $10 each. If you want to save a few bucks, just be smart and don’t park in these lots during school hours, even if it’s for five minutes.If a student, staff or faculty member receives more than five citations, their parking privileges will be revoked, and their car will be towed. If one receives more than one citation for parking in a handicap space, parking privileges will also be revoked. Parking stickers have changed slightly this year. Instead of the window stickers that you have to use razors to remove from your car, the police department decided to use hang tags. The price is already included in your tuition; however, if you lose your hang tag, the cost to replace is still $50. Students are allowed to place the hang tags on up to two cars per registration. The new hang tags are much more convenient for both students and officers, but please be aware that these tags can be stolen very easily. Be sure to lock your car even if you’re just going inside for a few minutes. Our campus is growing, and that means an increase in crime.If you haven’t already registered for a parking tag, you may do so at Dodson Cafeteria before school starts, or the traffic office throughout the year.If your hang tag has been stolen or if you’d like more information on the new tags, call the WCU Police Department at 227-7301.