10. (CNN) — Sen. John McCain on Monday rejected a “big government” takeover of the health care system, saying he wants to empower families to make more medical decisions.On the republican side of things, McCain wants to takeover the health care system by putting families in charge of their own health care. McCain stated to CNN news that families should be more in charge over health care rather than the government. “I’ve made it very clear that what I want is for families to make decisions about their health care, not government, and that’s the fundamental difference between myself and Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton,” McCain told reporters in Miami, Florida, referring to the two remaining Democratic presidential candidates, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.McCain also wants insurers to lower the cost on doctors.
9. (CNN) — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright on Monday said the black church, not him, had been subjected to attacks in the 2008 presidential campaign. Speaking before the National Press Club, Sen. Barack Obama’s former pastor sought to give insight into the black church and clarify some of his remarks that have sparked a firestorm. Wright also states that criticism comes from those who have not heard his whole sermons.
8. (CNN) — Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said the only way his party would lose the general election is if Democrats “lose to ourselves first” because they are not unified.Dean said he agrees with Sen. Chris Dodd that if the party goes to the convention divided, they will hand the election to Sen. John McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee.
“I think if we go in divided we’ll come out divided, and it’ll be much harder to win,” he said on CNN’s American Morning.Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in a neck-and-neck race for the Democratic nomination.Neither candidate can capture the 2,025 delegates needed to secure the Democratic nomination with wins in the remaining Democratic contests, meaning the party’s superdelegates will probably decide who gets the Democratic nomination.
7. WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Sunday that race is not the reason he is struggling to attract working-class votes and insisted he can win over uncommitted superdelegates by showing he is “best able to not just defeat John McCain, but also lead the country.”
6. (CNN) – For the fifth straight day, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are statistically tied in Gallup’s national tracking poll, the latest indication the Democratic stalemate shows no signs of ending four months after the primary season began.Clinton holds a one point lead over Obama in Tuesday’s tracking poll – a statistical tie, given the poll’s 3 point margin of error. In the last five days, the two candidates have either been exactly tied or separated by only one point.That trend marks a clear departure from the weeks before the Pennsylvania primary, during which Obama almost consistently held a wide lead over Clinton. Meanwhile, the five-day tie is one of the few times all year in which the two candidates have been deadlocked for more than two days.
5. (CNN) — Sens. Hillary Clinton and John McCain are pushing for a gas-tax holiday, but Sen. Barack Obama says the plan is a quick fix that would do more harm than good.
4. (CNN) — Sen. Barack Obama said he is “outraged” by comments his former minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, made Monday at the National Press Club and is “saddened by the spectacle.”
3. WASHINGTON (CNN) — A Democratic National Committee TV ad released Sunday uses Sen. John McCain’s remarks on U.S. troops staying in Iraq for “100 years” to paint a portrait of a candidate fixated on keeping a permanent presence in the war-torn country.
2. WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Democrats are discussing a proposal to add money and conditions to a war funding bill despite President Bush’s specific objections.The proposal would add a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq as a condition for the funding, several Democratic leadership aides told CNN.It would also add money for some of the Democrats’ domestic priorities, including unemployment assistance, a new GI bill to fund education benefits for military veterans, and a package of tax credits for renewable energy sources.Democratic sources say the $178 billion measure would include $108 billion the president requested for military spending in 2008 and $70 billion to cover war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan through early 2009.
1. National Poll of Polls- CNN.com Likely Democratic Primary Voters’ Choice
Obama 47percent
Clintion 43percent
Unsure 10 percent
Editors Note: All information was found at CNN.com. For more information and other election standings please go to CNN.com.