Dear Editor,
Your article on parking problems (4/24 – 5/1 edition) was spot-on. I’m a graduate student living in Madison Hall during the school year, and I drive to UNC-A twice a week for classes. After classes (or around 10 p.m.), I never had a problem finding a spot by my dorm during the 2007-8 school year. Last year (2008-9), however, I frequently had to park far away (or “illegally”, and then move my car early the next morning).
The problem with parking, at least in my area of campus, is priority. My dorm lot is for residents and commuters, while the spaces between Moore and the Student Media Center (the newspaper building) are only for commuters.
Commuters get a lot more priority with parking on campus, even though residential students such as myself live permanently on campus and must park there all the time. However, we residents are forced to constantly battle for spaces with commuters.
WCU would be wise to re-prioritize who is allowed to park where, and to give resident students some priority (like commuters currently have).
Thanks for investigating this issue.
Russell ConoverWCU graduate student, Madison Hall