Western Carolina University students write, edit, and produce The Western Carolinian as a bi-weekly printed publication and as an online Internet site to serve the information needs of WCU students and others interested in or involved with campus activities.
The First Amendment and the public’s right to know guarantee the right to a free press at Western Carolina University. The Editor-in-Chief and newspaper staff are fully responsible for generating the content of the paper. All others should recognize the right of the Editor-in-Chief and newspaper staff to operate a free and responsible press.
Since 1933, Western Carolina University students have written, edited, and produced The Western Carolinian as a printed publication and since 1999 as an online Internet site to serve the information needs of WCU students and others interested in or involved with campus activities. It is the mission of The Western Carolinian to serve the Western Carolina University community by providing thorough coverage of news, sports, entertainment and culture relevant to current themes, topics and trends within this community. In addition, The Western Carolinian strives to provide a place for all people to be heard on all ideas, and to do this in as respectful a manner as possible. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of journalism by providing coverage that is accurate, unbiased, and in the interests of the public.
The Western Carolinian print edition is distributed every other Friday during the fall and spring semesters and on the third Friday of every month during the summer semester. The Western Carolinian website is updated weekly.
The Western Carolinian has two advisers, a journalism adviser and a faculty adviser. Our journalism adviser is Justin Caudell and can be reached at jcaudell@westerncarolinian.com.