A lot of people entering college have never had a job before and can be unfamiliar with the process. Fortunately Western Carolina University has many options for students to get a job on campus. Located on the second floor of the One Stop Building, the Office of Career Services seeks to help students with the needs to make well-informed career decisions.
Carrie Hachadurian, student employment specialist, suggests these four ways to finding a job.
First, there is JobCat, an online jobs posting site for both on campus and local off campus jobs. Students log in with their 920 number as the username and the date of their birthday for the password. After logging in, students should click on the button that says on-campus, non-work-study, jobs. Details for each job are available and information on the preferred manner of applying, online or in person.
Second, job listings are posted by departments.
Third, students should look for flyers on the bulletin boards located around campus and finally. They should keep their ears open because a friend could know who is hiring. Work-study jobs are administered by the Office of Financial Aid and to be applicable, students need to be eligible for Financial Aid. Non-work study jobs are available to all students regardless of financial need.
After finding a possibility, apply, and if hired, students will go to the Student Employment Office to fill out paperwork. Hachadurian recommends having the hiring paperwork from the employer completed and ready for processing.
If a student is being hired for the first time, items to bring to this session should include either a passport or photo ID, Social Security card, and then the list of acceptable documents to fill out Form I-9 located on page two of the hiring form. Once this phase is completed the student can seek the employer regarding the hours to work.
Students can have multiple jobs, work-study and non-work study, at the same time but there is a maximum limit at 20 hours per week, or 30 hours per week with the Dean or Vice Chancellor’s approval.
“Initially they check to make sure you have enough time open during work hours to actually be able to workAt the interview they take your hours and other work study students and find the best fit ,” said Kelvin Riley, who holds a receptionist position at Student Affairs.
Helping students secure an on campus job is not the only thing that Career Services has to offer. Career Services also assists in finding internships and co-ops as well as providing aid from professional Career Counselors that will help with resumes, cover letters, and develop interviewing skills.
The office also holds career events and career fairs. Upcoming events include the Etiquette Reception on the March 18 at the Ramsey Center Hospitality Room which is intended to teach the rules of proper etiquette and conversation in a reception setting. Deadline for sign-ups is March 14.
The Summer Job and Internship Fair, on March 18 and WCU Spring Career Day, on March 19, both taking place in the A.K. Hinds University Center Grand Room, are opportunities for students who seek full-time jobs and internships. Students are encouraged to bring their resumes.
“Some departments begin searching for student workers for the summer and fall semesters as early as the spring semester before,” says Hachadurian, “While there is a surge of hiring for student workers for fall at the beginning of the school year, many students will already have been hired so that they can start work right as the fall semester begins.”
According to their website, student employees at WCU have opportunities to enhance their learning in the five global outcomes which are to communicate effectively and responsibility, practice civic engagement, integrate and apply information from variety of contexts, solve complex problems, and to clarify and act on their own purpose and values.
For additional information or assistance, contact the Student Employment Office by calling 828-227-3888 or the Career Services Office at 828-227-7133.