About Us

The Western Carolinian is a newspaper written, edited, designed, marketed and produced by students of Western Carolina University. Every month of the academic school year student staff members distribute physical copies and update digital news outlet. The Western Carolinian’s goal is to serve the information needs of WCU students, faculty, staff, administration, Jackson County and the greater WNC community.

Since 1933, it has been the mission of The Western Carolinian to serve the Western Carolina University community by providing thorough coverage of WNC news. The Western Carolinian has the journalistic responsibility to cover important topics and issues impacting its readers. In addition, The Western Carolinian strives to provide a place for all opinions to be recognized and supported, and to do this in a respectful manner. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of journalism by providing coverage that is accurate, unbiased, and in the interest of the public.

The First Amendment and the public’s right to know guarantee the right to a free press at Western Carolina University. The Editor-in-Chief and staff of The Western Carolinian are fully responsible for generating the content of the paper.

All students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome to submit articles or article ideas to The Western Carolinian staff. Opinion pieces are also welcomed. All formatting should follow AP style guidelines. All submitted articles should include sufficient and properly vetted sources. All submissions will be edited and are subject to approval from the Editor-in-Chief.

Want to have your ad in The Western Carolinian print editions or on our website? See more information here.

For a full list of staff contacts, please visit our website here.

Have a story idea? Feedback? General questions?

Email inquiries:

The Western Carolinian
A.K. Hinds University Center – Room 329
1 University Drive
Cullowhee, NC 28723

Anonymous tip line: 828-227-2694