Author: Nick Childs


Opinion: WCU’s Guy Problem

Today, if you visit almost any college campus, you might notice a curious gender imbalance: about six women attend for every four men, making it the largest gender gap in higher education history. This phenomenon reveals a shift in attitude among men as they disengage from education, the economy, and […]


Ways to feel the holiday magic near campus

The magic of the holiday season is approaching. While retail stores have had holiday decorations in stock for months, actual festivities tend to pick up following Thanksgiving. Here are some ways to feel the holiday magic near Jackson County. Cullowhee Friday, Dec. 2 and Saturday, Dec. 3 – Last Minute […]


Chancellor Brown answers student questions

The Western Carolinian polled students to find out what questions they would ask Chancellor Brown. The Carolinian then asked Chancellor Brown your questions. Here are her responses. Diversity, Student Voices  What steps are you taking to ensure that minority students and students from marginalized communities are heard and protected? This […]