
Lifestyle Opinion

Opinion: How to develop healthy voter habits

From Vol. 90, Ed. 08 May 2, 2024 Politics are messy – that is the name of the game.  Educating oneself on how the government functions and which offices do what can negate the messiness of politics.  The election process is complicated, and many names get thrown around. This can […]


Opinion: A reflection on four years

I’m set to graduate in May, and I don’t know what is coming next. Anybody else in similar shoes? Anybody else desperately want to leave and desperately want to stay at the same time?  I’m feeling sentimental some these days as I cling to my college memories and try to […]


Opinion: WCU’s Guy Problem

Today, if you visit almost any college campus, you might notice a curious gender imbalance: about six women attend for every four men, making it the largest gender gap in higher education history. This phenomenon reveals a shift in attitude among men as they disengage from education, the economy, and […]


Experiencing campus for the first time with New Student Orientation

Having the privilege to attend the first in-person freshman orientation since 2019, I would absolutely recommend this interactive experience to anyone considering attending WCU. As someone who was completely unfamiliar with the campus and surrounding community prior to touring, orientation was a great way to fully encompass the true campus […]