Dear Editor I am very annoyed that housing has yet to turn off the heaters in Leatherwood Hall. It has been very hot these last few days, and the heaters are still going as if it were still cold outside. I am sitting here at 2:15 AM and I fell […]
Reader Questions SGA Election Politics
Dear Editor I am getting very concerned about the political “mud-slinging” which has passed in this latest SGA election. It seems to me that a lot of things were said merely with the intent of destroying someone else. For instance I could not stand the editorial that Chris Hall wrote […]
Sidewalk-Chalk Protests Give Pro-Lifers a Bad Name
To the sidewalk-chalk Pro-Lifers, As a pro-lifer whose father was a former president of Wake County Right to Life, I would like to commend those students who came together to speak out against abortion. But I also must put you in the same category as Eric Rudolf. Why? YOU’RE MAKING […]
Carolinian Should Cover Community, says Reader
Dear Editor, I am writing concerning an assignment in one of my classes. Our class was asked to write a letter to the editor concerning our opinion about the Western Carolinian. We were ask to discuss one aspect of the paper that we would change and one thing about the […]
Group Claims Responsibility for Pro-Life Messages
We, the members of the Kreisau Group, take full responsibility for the messages written in front of the University Center and Dodson cafeteria. We do not, however, take responsibility for the unfortunate additions, including the one featured on the front page of the Western Carolinian: “Fetus: Its what’s for dinner.” […]
Re: Food Service Complaints
Dear WCU, Certainly there will be (and have been) other, better, food-service-endorsed responses to the series of attacks Aramark has suffered during its term on campus, but as a former WCU Dining employee, I just can’t help putting my two cents in. Students who have been here longer than one […]
How Much More of This Do We Have To Endure?
Dear Editor, I have noticed over the past few weeks that there have been several complaintant letters written to the Western Carolinian. So why not add one more to the collection? With a little over a month remaining in this semester, I think that people should look around, and consider […]
Kudos to the Carolinian
Dear Editor, I am writing this as an assignment for my CMCR 401 class in which I am required to express my likes and dislikes concerning the Western Carolinian. If I could change one thing about the paper it would (ironically) be the amount of space dedicated to letters to […]
Accusation ‘turns life upside down’
I am writing this letter in response to the trend of how campus life is lived. This is my story and it is a tale of mystery, intrigue, injustice and woe. I transferred into WCU an accomplished student with letters of recognition, service awards and leadership positions under my belt. […]
Reader Finds Letter ‘Repugnant’
I would like to respond to the letter written by David Marriott in the March 28, 2001 issue of the Western Carolinian. Mr. Marriott, I am appalled at your arrogance and lack of self-control. I also find it amazing that, considering where you are in your educational career, you seem […]