

Bell Tower Chimes Loud and Annoying

While the alumni tower is a prominent structure on campus, I, and many of my friends find it to be quite annoying. The issues that irritate me are the loud volume and the repetitious nature the songs. Ever since move-in day, I have wondered about the purpose of the loud […]


Focus on Crime, not Personality

Dear Editor, I would just like to respond to the two letters written by Darlene Brown and Melissa Cochran. I have finally found someone that agrees with me. What kind of bull crap sentence is the one that Christina got for the murder of her newborn baby girl. She got […]


Re: Professional Wrestling Nothing More Then Sexist Trash

#8220;Just Change the Damn Channel” It confuses me how someone can be so offended by something that means nothing to them. Why is is that people in this world always feel the need to slander something that many other people enjoy, just because they do not approve of it. If […]


Racism in America

I am writing this letter to inform the public of a recent story in the news that I read about. The story was dealing with racism in the United States, and how the people of the country are looking at it in a superficial way. Bernice King, daughter of Martin […]


timely reporting

Hey, Hooker. You da man! Great job of reporting the Southern Conference victory. Well written and timely. An Admirer


Partying, Drugs, and Wal-Mart: A Concerned Student Addresses Cullowhee Culture

Dear Editor, For the past 15 years Western Carolina University has been most commonly known as a party school. That’s why people come here, that’s why people have always come here, and that’s what will continue to motivate people to continue to come here. How many times each week to […]


Fiske Trial Outcome ‘Just Doesn’t Do Justice’

After reading the outcome of the Fiske case, I have become outraged. A minimum seven years and ten months just doesn’t do justice to the crime at hand. Christina murdered an infant. Not just any infant but her own flesh and blood. So she has seemingly justified her act, so […]


A Vegetarian Diet For Lent 2001

Reviving the ancient Christian Tradition of abstaining from meat consumption during Lent. We respectfully invite all Christians to use VDLENT2001 as a period of reflection and prayer for all the innocent creatures currently condemned to the slaughterhouse and/or factory-farm. GOD willing VDLENT2001 will help you make a permanent switch to […]


Challenge to the students and faculty of WCU

I am writing a challenge to the students of Western Carolina University. I continue to hear commercials on the local radio stations here in Charlotte, NC about the “power your mind” slogan that has taken precedent at WCU. The commercials boast of the Internet connections and the abilities of students […]


Reader Thankful for “Honest Review”

Great job on tearing vitamin C a new one! i, like most sane humans, cannot stand the pathetic atempts at music made by some of the “artists” of today. thanks for the honest review, and thanks for writing what you think about our favorite reason to drink orange juice.