Tag: WCU


Mountain Heritage Day returns despite pandemic

The soulful sounds of banjo-picking filled the valley on Saturday, Sept. 25 as the 47th Annual Mountain Heritage Day commenced.  This historic event celebrates Southern Appalachian Mountain culture and helps to preserve the roots of local heritage through craft demonstrations, art vendors, and food.  With last year’s festival being completely […]


New science building brings growth and opportunity

Thanks to the $110 million dollar Connect NB Bond, WCU has been able to drastically expand its science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs with the new Apodaca Science Building. Tom Apodaca, the name-sake for the new building, was a WCU graduate in the class of ‘80 and has continued […]


How to take care of yourself during COVID-19 and finals week

Finals week is always stressful, but it is sure to be even worse this time around with COVID-19 refusing to leave us alone. It is extremely important to take care of your mental health during this time so let’s talk about how to do that! Ashley Virella, an intern at […]


Whee Talk: Mental Health with Dana Cea

Recently, Western Carolina University’s SGA and Out of the Darkness, a campus organization dedicated to suicide awareness and prevention partnered together with Dana Cea, a mental health and suicide prevention advocate from Eastern Carolina University to bring a Whee Talk on Mental Health to students via Zoom. The Whee Talk […]


A Western Carolina Election Reflection

A week after elections have taken place, the Student Democracy Coalition has held a reflection for students, faculty, staff, and community members to join and discuss their thoughts. Dr. Lane Perry began by explaining our agenda and saying that it was a place where people needed to be non-partisan where […]


What do you need to know for advising day

Advising day rapidly approaches and many new students are at a loss as to what to prepare for this seemingly make or break day. For those first-year students, and others who just need an idea for what to put together to make this easier, Debra Penberthy of the advising office […]


Commencement update for December 2020 graduates

Students have been readily awaiting the update on Fall 2020 graduation festivities and commencement procedures, and as of Friday, Oct. 16, a decision has been made. Commencement ceremonies for Dec. graduates are going to look very different this year due to the ongoing national pandemic, but nevertheless, graduation will still […]


Vote early on-campus until the end of October

Western Carolina University’s early voting polling location is open now until Oct. 31 on the second floor of the University Center in the multipurpose room. This early voting site is open Monday through Friday from 8 am – 7:30 pm and Saturdays from 8 am – 6 pm till the […]


Students petition to allow skateboarding on campus

Western Carolina University students are petitioning to revoke the policy that bans all forms of skateboarding on campus. Amy Woods, sophomore at WCU, created the petition to provide a voice to the skaters on campus. “The goal of this petition is to give freedom to our fellow students. They should […]