Group Claims Responsibility for Pro-Life Messages

We, the members of the Kreisau Group, take full responsibility for the messages written in front of the University Center and Dodson cafeteria. We do not, however, take responsibility for the unfortunate additions, including the one featured on the front page of the Western Carolinian: “Fetus: Its what’s for dinner.” Our messages were intended as a protest to abortion, not as a shock tactic meant to repulse.

We formed, partially, in response to the abortion discussion and video that was shown Tuesday, March 27, “If These Walls Could Talk.”

Our purpose is to represent the millions of children who cannot represent themselves.

We operate under the dictates of our conscience and the law of God; that we believe is inscribed on the heart of every man.

Our authority is rooted in the very Constitution itself. The preamble to the Constitution states, “We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity . . .” The definition of posterity, according to the American Heritage dictionary is: future generations, a person’s descendants. Clearly the Constitution protects those yet to be born.

We believe that Americans have been seduced by the drug of convenience. That the importance of the family, and the sanctity of human life has been buried beneath the weight of careless sex and irresponsibility.

We find this no less abhorrent than the holocaust waged against the Jews in Nazi Germany. Americans, through the proclamations made from various media outlets, have accepted abortion as an issue of freedom just as the majority of Germans, under the influence of an intense propaganda campaign, accepted the mass killing of the Jews.

Our purpose is to give a voice to the voiceless. We fight for those who are defenseless and whose blood is on the hands of the silent. As Edmund Burke wrote in the eighteenth century, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

No longer can we be silent and do nothing.

The Kreisau