Month: October 2001


Racial Profiling

I woke up this morning to the smell of wood burning, to the soft chirping of the yellow finch that visits my door each day, and to the crisp, cool autumn air. Mornings like these are bittersweet since terrorism found its way across the ocean. As another day breaks, still […]


Islam Assembly Helps to Educate

Students, staff, faculty and members of the local community gathered in the Natural Sciences Auditorium last Tuesday night in what Dr. Richard Collings, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, called an attempt “to bring together a variety of disciplines in order to make sense of” the recent terrorist attacks on […]


Itramural Sports Update

INDOOR SOCCER TEAM SIGN-UPS (M &W) begin Monday, October 12th and end Tuesday, October 23rd at 4:00 p.m. in IM Office 130, Reid Gym. Five participants constitute a team. The Indoor Soccer Rules Clinic occurs Thursday, October 25th at 4:00 p.m. in Room 132 of Reid Gym. MEN’S TABLE TENNIS […]


America in the 21st. C.

So, to state the obvious, people hijacked some planes and crashed them into American buildings, killing thousands of unsuspecting, innocent people and causing billions in collateral damage. Set aside discussion about who did it and we are left with a glaring question. Why did they do it? It seems that […]


What a difference a month makes. . .

This past weekend as I looked forward to four days off, I couldn’t help but notice a difference as I drove down 107. I noticed that less people were sporting flags, ribbons, and words of encouragement. What a difference time makes. It is wonderful that those of us who live […]


Cashing In On Disaster

An obvious side effect of democracy is capitalism: a virtual, unending realm of free enterprise, paving America’s streets with gold and spreading its divine doctrine of financial advancement for individuals, corporations and countries. And this realm is, indeed, virtual. It is a realm of numbers and symbols representing what was […]


Hey, Look to Your Left: It’s FYI!

Look to your left, and you will find a new section on your Western Carolinian web-site. It’s titled FYI, or For Your Information. Click on the link and see various announcements that you might find interesting. To place an announcement, send it to us through our on-line submissions link to […]


Theta Xi Camps out for Disaster Relief

The Theta Xi Fraternity held a campout to raise money for the American Red Cross last week. The money was sent to aid the Red Cross in the efforts to provide relief to those affected by the recent terrorist attacks in New York and Washington D.C. The fraternity was able […]


“From Hell” tells definitive Ripper tale in comic form

When most people think of comic books, radioactively powered super-men battling large-headed megalomaniac super-villains in futuristic cities of bright color spring almost immediately to mind. But comic scribe Alan Moore doesn’t think like most people. The British author behind famed comic projects like “The Watchmen,” which mixed hero archetypes with […]


Son Volt frontman to play Asheville Music Zone

Well, the big show coming up this weekend is Tool. Anyone out there that likes Tool already knows this and has already bought tickets. So, what else is out there for the listening public? On Wednesday October 10th, Jay Farrar will be playing the Asheville Music Zone. Jay Farrar is […]