Kill Your TV

These are trying times indeed. The economy is falling to pieces, our country is embroiled in a seemingly endless conflict in the middle east, and the presidential election looms over our collective heads like a death sentence.

A wise man once said that the way to kill seriousness is with laughter. A group of western students is attempting to do just that by producing a sketch comedy show called “the Green Pants Show” for our campus television station, TV 62.

Jake Petchenik, Daniel Payne, Colin Whitfield, Benjamin Haines, and Jessica Compton began work on the current incarnation of Green Pants earlier this semester, and last week they were given the green light from TV 62.

This weekend, the group began production on the show’s pilot titled “Kill Your TV”.

“We’re just trying to get a laugh out of anyone who wants to sit down and laugh at the stupidity of modern existence.” Said Whitfield. “We’re not making this show for everyone, just for anyone who shares our sense of humor.”

The group is comprised mostly of Film majors who are getting course credit for their work with the show. ” If a student has an Idea for a show, they should write it up and shoot it.” Says Petchenik.

Anyone who is interested in working with the group to develop sketch comedy here at western can call Colin Whitfield at (828) 553-8274.

The Staff of the Green Pants show strongly encourages students to kill their TVs and then go watch our show at your friends house.