These past few months have seen changes in every aspect of our lives; quarantine, social distancing, masks, new rules and regulations – there is little doubt that COVID has changed our lives in the short time it has been here. The changes are particularly obvious on campus, as the university has undergone a major makeover in the interest of safety. From hybrid classes to the tape mazes in the dining halls, Western Carolina is almost unrecognizable this fall semester as the efforts to prevent the spread of COVID have taken over every building.
Despite the recent changes and new procedures, there is some good news on campus. Starting this past Tuesday, Sept. 8, the Campus Recreation Center has reopened the fitness area to students for workouts with a reservation. Reservations can be made online on their website. The fitness center is open every weekday for mornings from 6-10 a.m., afternoons at 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, and evening slots which run from 4-8 p.m. Weekend slots are limited to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday from 4-8 p.m. Students who wish to participate must follow all social distancing guidelines, including, but not limited to: wearing an appropriate face covering that covers both the mouth and nose, keeping an acceptable distance between yourself and others, frequently washing your hands, and participating in self-screening processes. The guidelines are in place to reduce the chance of further major outbreaks and protect the health and safety of all students. More information on the expected health standards can be found on Western Carolina’s Community Standards page under Catamount Care.
The CRC also offers virtual classes and workout sessions for those who feel uncomfortable with public workouts during this time or those who would rather workout without a proper face mask. These sessions can be found on the CRC’s web page, which includes links to their Instagram and Facebook accounts and Base Camp Cullowhee’s social media accounts. Students are encouraged to check out their YouTube channel for workout tips and sessions from Group X or purchase a virtual session with a personal trainer.
It is especially important during this time to do your best to stay fit and healthy. Exercise has mental and emotional benefits beyond the obvious physical side effects; It can help stimulate your mind and potentially motivate you to push through these online assignments and obligations.
Stay healthy, Catamounts!