

New Booster Club Shows Catamount Spirit

Catamount athletic teams are hoping to have an extra player on the lineup at upcoming sports competitions in the form of a new student booster club. The booster club will be a student-organized group dedicated to the enthusiastic support of Western’s intercollegiate basketball and football games, both at home and […]


BOOKSFacing Boogeymen and Bad Guys In The Forest of Harm

#8220;’Mary?’ Joan asked tentatively, an instant before she looked down and saw that the figure stood barefooted. Dark hair covered the tops of the feet; the nails were thick as claws. A snippet of bright green grass clung to one dirty toe. Joan opened her mouth to speak, but the […]


VIDEO:”Power to the People and Punish Bad Cinema!”

The United Artists Theater is showing a Pauly Shore film festival. General Cinema is playing “Scream 4,” “Lake Placid 2,” and “Vertigo: The Sequel.” The Maryland Film Commission is fawning over Honey Whitlock, a vain and loathsome Hollywood starlet. How can a guerilla filmmaker like Cecil B. DeMented possibly be […]


MUSICIs More Vitamin C Really Good For You?

They are calling her a pop culture dynamo. They are saying she is daring and sexy. They are billing her as the next big thing for pop music. No, not Brittney or Christina or even Jessica Simpson; that other blondie vying for the title of Miss Teeny-Bopper is Vitamin C. […]



Aries: Love may be working its charms on you this week, no matter how much you try to fight it. Always independent and frustrated with commitments, Arians will often ignore a good thing when it comes along. Be wary you aren’t making that mistake now. Taurus: With a determined spirit, […]


Original members of Parliament to tear the roof off the UC

The history of the Parliament Funkadelic is a funny, and sometimes confusing thing. Break-ups and reconstructions of the band have resulted in, at this humble reporter’s count, three different incarnations of the P-Funk. The first, George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic, is spearheaded by the lively dreadlocked singer. Billy “Bass” […]


Clubbin’ with MikeCreative Writing Club

Creativity is a word that is very important to Western students, especially when they are describing the Cullowhee night life to their friends in Boone, Chapel Hill and everywhere else on earth. Sometimes it takes a creative imagination to navigate the life of a student or life in general. And […]


What’s Up at In Your Ear Music Emporium

As you open the glass door and step inside, you enter a world of sight and sound. A world of colors and light. A world where all sorts of music is at your fingertips. You have entered In Your Ear Music Emporium. However, if you have ventured into the store […]


Carolinian’s New Look Draws Praise

Dear Editor- Kudos to the WESTERN CAROLINIAN on their new website! As Western advances into the realm of education coupled with technology, there becomes a need to reflect our performance in the University’s websites. Many of you will notice a new design on Western’s homepage (www.wcu.edu) very shortly–and much thanks […]