New Book

Dear Book Review Editor,

I am writing to ask that your newspaper consider doing a review of my book which is a modern-day nonfiction revisitation of the concept of Utopia. I think it is a must read book for anyone interested in a better world. I posted a copy online so you can read the book in Adobe Acrobat format at: and the cover is in Adobe Acrobat format at:

The details of the book are as follows:

Title: The Ultimate Philosophy

Author: Jon Will, ESQ., CPA, MBA

Summary: While no two humans are exactly the same, we are all of one race, the human race, and we all share the experience of life in an essentially identical carbon-based life-form structure. We all work for continuing survival while in this structure, and hope for a happy, safe, and good life for ourselves and for our loved ones. Therefore, everyone has a common desire for the best life attainable. “Utopia” is the word used to denote the best life attainable. Since each person has his or her own unique vision of Utopia, the only universally agreeable description of Utopia is “the ability for each person to live in his or her own vision of paradise.” Humanity should strive to obtain that ability. This book shows how Utopia can be achieved.

One sentence summary: Since everyone desires a good life, we should make the same a common goal, and devote some more resources toward finding the knowledge to make it a reality for all.

ISBN: 1-59129-818-0

Cover type – paperback, 108 pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Publication date – 11/9/02

Publisher – PublishAmerica can be contacted at or Toll-Free at 1-877-333-7422.

Retail price $16.95, Shipping and handling – $3.00 for the first book and $.50 for each additional copy (US orders).

Biography: Jon Will is a lawyer with a masters in business administration who passed the certified public accountant examination. His diverse work experience has given him expertise with how governmental institutions and business organizations function. This is his first publication. He is from Baltimore, Maryland.

If you have any questions or want additional information, please email me at

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely,Jon Will