Dear Editor, I am so frustrated with the disgusting food we are forced to eat here on campus on a daily basis. School food sucks so bad and it’s so outrageously priced, it’s not worth paying for. The UC gets old after the first 2 months of your freshman year, Brown is so disgusting to eat at, you fear what your putting in your mouth. Dodson is so damn expensive you refuse to buy anything there. On campus food sucks so bad I don’t even put money on my cat card.
OFF CAMPUS FOOD: Off campus food isn’t any better! Candler Sub and Deli is by the far the worst place I have ever eaten in my life or could even imagine eating in my life. There pizza isn’t really pizza and their wings don’t even have color to them. They are the only wings in the world without any color!!!! My friends and I agree that this place is by far the worst place in the world, absouletly disgusting. GJ’s is alright but gets old and is HIGHLY OVER PRICED, HIGHLY OVERPRICED. Pizza Hut offers nothing, except a lunch buffet and Wednesday night buffet. They could be the only PIZZA HUT in the entire world not to deliever. Sylva has Colima’s which is really good and offers a great lunch buffett and O’Malloy’s is great for anytime but gets old. PLEASE IF ANYONE IS READING THIS, OPEN UP SOMETHING, HELP US, FEED US SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS.
Thanks,Micheal Simpson