In response to the editorial in the Novemeber 14 edition of the Western Carolinian, I would like to agree with Mr. Sams. I, too, am completely outraged that Chancellor Bardo will spend so much money for guest speakers to visit our campus. I mean, we are talking about $65,000 here. Just think of all the improvements that need to be made around campus, especially in the classrooms and in the residence halls. I want to know exactly how many of WCU’s student population even showed up for Lech Walesa’s speech presentation. I know I didn’t. Just like many of the other students here on campus, I came to college to get an education and obtain a degree. The Chancellor’s Speaker Series have never interested me, and have not been able to help and guide me in my academic life. I find it very disturbing that so much money was spent on Walesa’s appearance, and not even half of WCU’s population was involved or even wanted the “service”. I believe that Bardo needs to start focusing more on the needs of and the guidance of WCU’s students instead of trying to improve his self-image by spending tons of money and time on things that the rest of the campus could care less about. The students are not interested in booming tourism or attracting the public to our campus, we are here to learn and get educated. When was the last time Chancellor Bardo visited one of the residence halls or one of the classrooms? When was the last time he sat down and tried to figure out why so many of the students here on campus are so fed up and unhappy? We have a reason to be unhappy and fed up since we are going to be paying $100 more in tuition starting next fall. I feel very uncomfortable knowing that my parents are having to fish out more and more money to send me to college because Bardo would rather waste our money on things other than our education. Instead of paying so much money for these speakers to visit campus, why doesn’t Bardo use the money to pay for new and full-time instructors, and other instruments that could be used to help improve our education? Chancellor Bardo needs to set his priorities straight.
Brandi Pyatt