
Hello,I wasn’t sure where to send this announcement, but I hope you will include it in your online and printed student paper. My name is Herb Oxendine and I’m a booking agent for the Southwestern Officials Association. We have our Local Association meeting coming up in February for Baseball and Softball umpires and I would like to run the following announcement, if I may. If possible, please run it in each edition until February 1st. Feel free to edit this PSA as you see fit. Thanks and please contact me if you have any questions or require further information.

*****************BEGIN PSA********************The Southwestern Official’s Association will hold its Local Association meeting February 1st, 2004 at the Macon Community Facilities Building located on the Georgia Hwy (441 South) in Franklin. The meeting will start at 2:00 PM. Anyone interested in umpiring High School or Middle School Baseball and/or Softball should attend this meeting. For further information, Call Herb Oxendine at 631-3132 and leave a message. Visit our website at******************END PSA*********************

Thank you.

Herb Oxendine, Booking AgentSouthwestern Official’s Association828-631-3132