There is a new site offered to students and the public that reflects WCU in a different light. Instead of visitors reading about Western by someone paid to make the campus sound perfect, the WCU Bloggers is a site about the opinions of the campus through the eyes of fellow classmates. The members write about their different experiences on campus and express their unique opinions of WCU. Blogging is one of the newest communication innovations for the internet and is a way to share information to the community on any subject. These pages are a simple, yet effective way to provoke thought and conversation among viewers.The WCU Blogger site features articles from its five members with varies interests, majors and views about the campus. Each member has posted their college rank, major and a short description about themselves. These five students, ranging from Sophomore to Alumni, tell about their adventures on campus or opinions on a particular event.The members include Charles, a senior, who is an Engineering Tech major and an active member with his church’s youth group. Chris or “Chrispy” is a sophomore with a major in Marketing and a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Dominique is also a sophomore, with a double major in Political Science and Geology and plans to run for President in 2036. Schuyler is the Alumni of the group with a degree in Criminal Justice and is a member of Delta Zeta Sorority. Finally, T.M. is a senior with an International Business major and owns a pink Del Sol. Any visitor can leave comments about an article or ask the writers a question about campus life. Most articles feature pictures that relate to the article, so visitors can see events first-hand. There are also short video clips that describe different programs or events that are occurring on campus. Articles can vary by subject and atmosphere, like turning twenty to the apartment complexes own version of Fear Factor. The WCU Bloggers website is meant to be used as a research tool for students who may be interested in coming to Western. Interested visitors are encouraged to ask questions about the campus and to often return to the site for new stories. The website also features links to various pages of information about WCU including the University Profile, different majors and events on campus. To view the WCU Blogger site, go to