Over the past few years TV62 has experienced a plethora of changes and improvements with their programming and formats. This year there will be new shows, new formats and the chance for all students to get involved. To begin, there are some old shows returning but with a new look and programming. One of these shows is “WheeCuisine” which features a fellow student who creates meals step by step. This year however the meals will be directed more towards students who live in dorms and do not have access to a full kitchen. In order to keep up with news and events on campus there will be two news programs. The first is called “Nightly News” and will discuss campus, local and national news which will be played during the week. The second is called “2nd Addition” and will just feature campus and local area events. Along with some familiar old shows there will be two new shows that will give students the chance to get directly involved. The first is a game show called “Stereotypes” and will be a battle of the sexes. The game show features both trivia and physical contests for any student who wished to be involved. Until the official TV62 website is opened, students may e-mail Joe Mullins at TV62joe@gmail.com to sign up. To top it off, prizes will be awarded to the winner which could come from LMP, Base Camp Cullowhee and other campus organizations. The other show will be “Astray Cats” which is similar to shows featured on the Travel Channel. Since Western is known as a suitcase campus, this show will feature places and events within a 20 mile radius of the campus. These places will range from restaurants to bars and will be rated based on food, atmosphere and prices. Each location will have a different host in order to get a variety of opinions. The places will also be categorized based on whether students can spend over or under $20 and whether they are over or under 21. No TV station is complete without commercials. This year TV62 will be airing commercials that were written, recorded and edited by the staff. The commercials will be for organizations that are on campus such as Base Camp Cullowhee. According to Station Manager Joe Mullins, “we have stopped the last 10 years of TV62 programming and have gone with a more professional look. We used to compete with 65 other stations on campus but now we have 99 other channels.” Mullins went on to explain that the crew is laying down the ground work for the next 3, 5 and 10 years with new cost saving ideas. The station is also hopping that within the next 2 years they will be able to have live courage of sports and news. A final new addition to the station will be the ability to buy shows that were featured on TV62. At the end of the Fall semester students will be able to buy an entire series of WheeCuisine. As TV62 has changed, they now own equipment that is used on Dirty Jobs, the Jackass movies and the Travel channel just to name a few. The editing equipment at TV62 is the same that is used in 10 to 20 percent of all motion pictures making it a well equipped station. The only thing lacking are the volunteers. Meetings are held on Monday and/or Wednesday evenings at 8pm in the Student Media Center.