Vice Chancellor’s Notes:
Stay Home at Western Weekend
Hey Folks!
Just a quick note from Dr. Sam – your friendly neighborhood Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
I’ve got a crazy idea to share with y’all! Stay with me now…
What if everyone stayed at WCU one weekend? Could we pull that off? How cool would it be if we did? How about next weekend, September 12 – 14th, let’s just have ourselves a “Stay Home at Western Weekend!”
Here’s the deal… Go to
and check out the calendar of activities being planned for next weekend. Keep checking it ’cause we’ll be updating it with more information all next week.
Friday night we’ll have music and activities on the UC Lawn – featuring two exciting bands, “Afromotive” and “Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band!” Dining Services is planning special menus for Friday and Saturday nights at Dodson. Then on Saturday, of course everyone should come out and support your Catamount Football Team! Saturday night we’ll chill with a movie on the UC Lawn and of course plan some activities for yourself and your friends.
I hope you and your friends will make plans to stay on-campus and have a great weekend together in our University Community!
Once again, I’d love to hear from you! Send me an email: If you have questions or comments, email ’em to me. Go Cats!
Take care – Sam