Western Carolina University senior Jaymi Michelle Jeffery has been named the Western Region Outstanding Mathematics Education Student for 2009 by the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Jeffery received the award at the State Mathematics Conference held in Greensboro. Her honor marked the 18th year in a row that a WCU student has been named top mathematics education student in the western third of the state.
Jaymi is the daughter of Jay and Theresa Jeffery of Weaverville, and graduated from North Buncombe High School in 2005. She attends WCU through various scholarships, including the Crum Scholarship and the Stephanie Stow Scholarship, and is a dean’s list student and member of WCU’s Honors College.
Jeffery expects to receive her bachelor’s degree at WCU in December. She plans to pursue a teaching career upon graduation and would like to return for her master’s degree once she has gained some teaching experience.
The NCCTM is the professional organization in North Carolina for individuals who teach mathematics. Its members include teachers from kindergarten through graduate school.
Axelle Faughn, WCU assistant professor of mathematics education, said the long record of WCU students winning the NCCTM award is no accident
“This recognition is the result of high commitment by these students to the profession of mathematics teaching by participating in conferences, assisting with enrichment and support activities aimed at regional middle and high schools, and serving on various committees, councils and boards,” Faughn said
Jeffery was mentored by Ralph Willis, a mathematics faculty member who established the NCCTM student affiliate organization at WCU in 1989.
WCU student Kerri Elizabeth Bernhardt won the NCCTM award in 2008.