What do people want from Western Carolina University’s campus newspaper, The Western Carolinian? What do they enjoy about the newspaper, and in what ways do they want it to change? How can The Western Carolinian appeal to its readers?
Answers from around campus have varied from desires to see more information about clubs and organizations, advice on how students can better their lives and their experience here at WCU, more happenings on campus told from Western Carolina students, to investigative style reporting. Fellow students and professors express their opinions on the paper and how The Western Carolinian should change.
“I usually like the front page, because it is whatever is important at the time,” said senior Stephanie McCann.
McCann suggested that the newspaper should include tips related to student well-being.
“Kind of like how Student Health 101 does things that are relevant to our daily lives,” McCann said.
This advice would involve suggestions related to student budgeting and ways that McCann describes as “breaking out.”
“Like you know, hiking trails; things like that.”
Sophomore Chappell Hartsell described The Western Carolinian as being “very informative.” She stated that she would like to see more reports on the events that happen here on campus.
“I want to be informed about everything that goes on,” Hartsell said. “Just like events that go on in the UC. And, different departments have different occasions, you know, and clubs do stuff.”
Hartsell went on to describe the questions that revolved around the programs that were cut during the summer.
“Cause that’s something you hear from Facebook and word of mouth,” she said.
Senior Mike Williams said that he enjoyed reading the News section of The Western Carolinian.
“[Be]cause it usually catches me up on what campus has been doing, and what students have to say about it,” Williams said.
He expressed that he wished that the paper would feature the various clubs around campus and the activities they put on.
“You know because not many clubs are broadcasted over campus,” Williams said. “You see the regular big clubs, but the smaller clubs are kind of hard to get to and see, branch out.”
Professor Thomas Salzman, director of the School of Stage and Screen, conveyed his thoughts on the school newspaper.
“I rarely find new information in the paper that I do not know, but the readership focus is not for people like me but instead it is for students,” Salzman said. “So the information that is not new to me might be new to them.”
Salzman went on to convey his desire to see the newspaper cover more investigative style reporting.
Dr. Chris Cooper, department head of the Political Science and Public Affairs Department, revealed that he enjoys reading students’ opinions on what happens at Western Carolina.
“I appreciate it when the university weighs in on what’s happening at the university from a student’s perspective,” Cooper said.
Cooper divulged his wish to see more of what students have to say about the goings-on here at Western Carolina.
“I’m very interested in receiving more of a student perspective of what’s happening at WCU, mostly related to administration and academics,” Dr. Cooper said.
Although The Western Carolinian’s readers take delight in what the newspaper has to offer, they do feel that the paper should be a little more student and club-oriented, as well as investigative. Many college students are looking for ways to branch out and get involved on campus. The independence of college can be overwhelming at time, and students seek advice on how to deal with it. People wish to hear the voices of students, and what their views are on the things that occur at WCU.
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