October 27: Follow-up on suspicious odor, Central Residence Hall – Further investigation of a suspicious odor call in Central Hall that resulted with a male student being arrested for possession with intent to sell and deliver (PWISD) and underage possession of alcohol.
November 15: Pedestrian struck by a vehicle – Officers were called to Campus Health Services regarding a female student being hit by a car. The driver had stopped, the victim said she was OK and both left the scene at Buzzard Roost Rd.
November 15: Roommate issues, Scott Residence Hall – Officers were called to a problem between two roommates. Caller stated that no police assistance was wanted at that time. The incident was documented.
November 15: Elevator malfunction – Officers assisted three students safely exit an elevator after it stopped and the door did not open. The incident took place in Walker Residence Hall.
November 15: Underage consumption of alcohol – One male student was banned from two floors in Scott Residence Hall. He and female student both were issued state citations for underage consumption of alcohol.
November 17: Mutual aid – WCU Police Officers assisted Jackson County Sheriff Deputies with a fight and loud party call at Cullowhee Heights.
November 17: B&E, trespass and vandalism to property – Officers found damage inside the Moore building.
November 17: Criminal summons service – A female student was served with a criminal summons for simple assault.
November 17: Mutual aid – WCU Police Officers assisted the Jackson County Sheriff Deputies with a fight and loud party call at the Summit across the street from campus.
November 18: Unauthorized camping – Two male students were located sleeping at the Picnic Shelter.
November 18: Suspicious odor – Officers responded to suspicious call at Reynolds Residence Hall, but the odor had dissipated before they arrived.
November 18: Traffic crash, Mini Mall parking – Officers were called to a two-vehicle crash involving parking.
November 20: Suspicious person, Center of campus – Officers were called to where a male non-student was distributing free books about his beliefs. He was directed to the Free Speech area and advised no solicitation for money.
November 20: Call for service, Killian Plaza – Officers assisted an employee gain entrance into her office.
November 21: Call for service – A student sought information regarding the process for obtaining a protective order for her ex-boyfriend who has recently been released from jail. Information was provided to her.