Author: Lauren Coe


How to take care of yourself during COVID-19 and finals week

Finals week is always stressful, but it is sure to be even worse this time around with COVID-19 refusing to leave us alone. It is extremely important to take care of your mental health during this time so let’s talk about how to do that! Ashley Virella, an intern at […]


Faculty Senate supports pass/fail option for Fall 2020

The Faculty Senate passed a resolution in response to a Student Senate resolution adopting a pass/fail grading system for Fall 2020. Their resolution reads, “(A) WHEREAS The Covid-19 has prolonged the strain on Faculty, Staff, and Student performance. (B) WHEREAS, the SGA has presented a resolution requesting that the Satisfactory […]


Op-Ed: WCU Hosts Open House Despite Spike in COVID Cases

Western Carolina University welcomed over 700 guests on Saturday, Oct. 24, for an open house despite COVID cases climbing to record highs this semester. During the week of open house, 69 positive cases were reported. That is the highest weekly positive case count the university has seen all semester. Additionally, 40 students […]