I am writing with regards to a letter written about food on campus. I fully agree with what was said. The food on campus is just plain shitty. It sickens me to think of the choices we have here on campus. Just how much junk can a person consume in […]
Art display
Re: 11-28-01 editionThe banner line should read “Student’s Sculpture removed from Art Display”, not student’s penis removed–for obvious reasons. From a female point of view, our male and female parts have been used for sculpture since 500 BC, why not now, even if circumsized. The sculpture itself has no position […]
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
Yesterday a male co-worker asked me (the staff nutritionist) what I thought about the editorial recently published in the Asheville-Citizen Times on the Victoria’s Secret fashion show aired on television. Before I even started reading, he told me he thought the author had “gone too far”. With that information, I […]
Responding to “…WCU’s Big Spending”
In response to the editorial in the Novemeber 14 edition of the Western Carolinian, I would like to agree with Mr. Sams. I, too, am completely outraged that Chancellor Bardo will spend so much money for guest speakers to visit our campus. I mean, we are talking about $65,000 here. […]
Bardo’s plans for “enhanced Curriculum”
I do applaud Bardo for wanting to enhance our education here at Western Carolina, but I believe he has his priorities out of order. He wants to have more full time professors to help offer a “wide variety of classes within classes.” He should try to keep the majors and […]
Western Carolina’s Aramark Service
TO Whom It May Concern: I have to say that I am pretty pissed off regarding our food service here at WCU. Lets face it, the variety of food, and the service we get sucks to say the least. I mean sure we got the UC, Dodson, Brown, Cyber, and […]
Against Relativism
Dear Editor, A common charge leveled against my chosen field of study, anthropology, is that it adheres too strictly to the doctrine of cultural relativism. This doctrine holds that the actions of individuals should be judged according to whether or not those actions are considered acceptable in that culture. When […]
N.C. Nicothrax Treatment
Dear Editor, With tobacco inhalation killing over 8,000 Americans each week (4,000 in middle-age) and 11,642 North Carolinians each year, the flood of politician anthrax concerns is almost laughable. If all 11,642 died on the exact same day would that get their attention? The real death generator isn’t isolated particles […]
Responsibility of the U.S. in Afghanista
Racial Profiling
I woke up this morning to the smell of wood burning, to the soft chirping of the yellow finch that visits my door each day, and to the crisp, cool autumn air. Mornings like these are bittersweet since terrorism found its way across the ocean. As another day breaks, still […]