Author: Nate Hadley


Rally to reconcile returns to Sylva

Reconcile Sylva, and members of the community came together Friday, Sept. 18, at the Jackson County Public Library to demand the removal of the confederate statue, “Sylva Sam,” that has been on the courthouse steps for, according to the protesters, 105 years too long. “For those who want to argue […]


Whee Talk: Racial Justice

The founders of “From Privilege to Progress” came and talked to Western Carolina University students on Feb. 4. Melissa Depino and Michelle Saahene spoke to a crowd of about 45 students to encourage them to stand up against racism when they see it. They started the Whee Talk by showing […]



The classic board game Monopoly has been made into a city- themed version. Walmarts around Western North Carolina the area and Ohio based company Late For the Sky have come together and created“Sylvaopoly.” This game maps out the town of Sylva in a familiar setting. The game has landmarks like […]


Easy as “One, Two, Three”

Western Carolina University “waltzeds” to the leader board at the Cackalacky Ballroom Challenge. On Feb. 8, the WCU Ballroom Dance Club traveled to Raleigh for their first dance competition of the decade, and they had one of their most successful competitions to date. For some background information, Western’s ballroom team […]