I am writing this letter in response to the trend of how campus life is lived. This is my story and it is a tale of mystery, intrigue, injustice and woe. I transferred into WCU an accomplished student with letters of recognition, service awards and leadership positions under my belt. […]
Student Calls for Revolutionary Movement
Dear Editor (or anyone for that matter): My sole purpose for my article, outside of entertainment, was to motivate people to voice their opinions. And it looks as if I damn sure did! Wow WCU I didn’t really think anyone cared about this school anymore than the people running it. […]
Dissatisfied Students Should Go Elsewhere
I am writing about the letter writen by Matthew Kennedy a few weeks ago. I understand that there isn’t a lot to do in Cullowhee, but no one held a gun to you head and made you attend Western. Intelligent people are able to find things to do to keep […]
Food at and around WCU
Dear Editor, I am so frustrated with the disgusting food we are forced to eat here on campus on a daily basis. School food sucks so bad and it’s so outrageously priced, it’s not worth paying for. The UC gets old after the first 2 months of your freshman year, […]
A Response to “Cullowhee Culture”
Dear Editor, This is an open letter in response to Matthew Kennedy’s letter to the editor of March 7 entitled “Partying, Drugs, and Wal-Mart: A Concerned Student Addresses Cullowhee Culture.” My name is Chris Lenzo, and I am an instructor in the sociology department. I read your letter to the […]
A Reader’s Plea: ‘Feed Us Something Different’
Dear Editor, I am so frustrated with the disgusting food we are forced to eat here on campus on a daily basis. School food sucks so bad and it’s so outrageously priced, it’s not worth paying for. The UC gets old after the first 2 months of your freshman year, […]
Local Pizzeria ‘Not Worth Ordering’
Dear Editor Little Caesar’s is incapable and irresponsible business at night. I have interviewed people that work there, and they have informed me that Little Caesar’s mess up orders every night. My resources have also told me that they may mess up between two to four orders on any given […]
Just Change the Damn Channel
It confuses me how someone can be so offended by something that means nothing to them. Why is is that people in this world always feel the need to slander something that many other people enjoy, just because they do not approve of it. If pro wrestling offends you so […]
Catamount Mascot a Victim of Wildcat Family Confusion
Dear Editor: I am a freshman here at WCU and I am proud to go here. I have always been proud of where I went to school, but there is one thing that has been getting on my nerves, it is our mascot. I thought we were supposed to be […]
Reader Finds Headlines “Brash” and Insensitive
I would like to express my sympathy to those who have had the misfortune of reading the once humble student newspaper as of recent. In the last two months, we have been subject to such headlines: ‘Student Dies in Harrill Residence Hall’ with a view of the closed door of […]